Sunday, February 16, 2025

If I can't get a handle on my blues I may be forced to ask for a prescription

 I very much want to avoid needing a prescription psychotropic drug.  I still remember the psychiatrist in sis's riding club decades ago mentioning that withdrawal from them is usually a real bitch; so I don't want to sign on for something I'll need to keep taking forever and be at the mercy of the CCP, where I might get to go through bitch withdrawal anyway because they decide to have a trade war.   

But I'm tired of being on the struggle bus so much of the time. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Ugh, so disgusted with the 'Thursday is the new Friday' mindset that seems rampant at my work

 I'm teetering on the edge of going too far with pushing the group boss.  But I get soooooo fed up with trying to get his pet projects working after he handed them off to other people who neglected them either because they thought it was a waste of their time vs their own science or did not have anywhere the software background to handle things.   And it feels like most of the group thinks they can just ask W4H to do something that is their job;  I now push back hard on a lot of that with "I'm swamped", or with the one great young newish hire give her a few sentences on how to do things herself.   

And things will get worse before they get better.  I like that Trump is taking a chainsaw to all the wasteful federal agencies, and we are not fed employees, but I imagine we will end up with our own hiring freeze. So if someone quits, we'll just have to cover the work they did.   And while I'm complaining cuz it feels like no one else is doing much of anything on Thursdays and Fridays,  everyone in the group is handling some important tasks and it would be tough to get things done if they were gone and could not be replaced. 

L has a cold and couldn't come this week; then she posted to the neighborhood how hard it is getting to do things with the fetus getting so big.  So I'll have to tell her it's probably time to stop coming here, and because I wanted to be a good friend I volunteered to let her dog out of its cage and do some chuck it with him tomorrow while she is at her Doc appointment.   I need to ask what time that should happen and ask if the neighbor boy could/would come with me.   He can probably work the ball chucker way better than I can and has youthful energy. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The dumpster is over half filled and I burned a bunch of boxes.

 But there is a still a long way to go to get the big storage shed cleaned up.  But I am to a point where I think it will make sense to spray the mouse turds on the floor with bleach and sweep them up now, and then shift back to all the boxes of stuff on the shelving units.  One of the items in the shed is a shelving kit.  Metal brackets and particle board shelves and I think one is supposed to get their own 2x4s to finish it.   Maybe I can get L to post the kit on the neighborhood text group for me and someone will take it.   The mouse mess is disgusting, I don't want to get hantavirus, it's a lot more dangerous than covid or flu so I do want to do the bleach spray before sweeping it up, and I should get more poison out there.  

I started pecking away at the accumulated clutter over 5 years ago.  And I did get rid of a lot of the clutter in the house and took time to rehome a lot of things.  But the parents were accumulating stuff for 50 years.   Having the dumpster is a big help.  It is mild this weekend but I avoided making any plans to try to ride in case CSU told me Tanza was not healing or was behind on healing and I got super depressed, so I took advantage of nice temps to tackle the shed cleanup, and with my own dumpster there was no block of not wanting to put too much into it.  

I need to find the contact info for the trailer place a few miles away that fixed my p/u wiring for me and call to see if I can have them get another hitch with just a short drop and fix the lights on my trailer.  I could do those things myself unless wires are broken; but I'm not broke, bored, or a painful distance from a business that can do it for me.  

Saturday, February 1, 2025

I am really dragging today

 I suppose because of the stress of missing my turn and then trying to 'just go over and find the right street' and then losing all track of where I was in relation to the CSU equine clinic yesterday.   It was easier when their livestock facility was way out on the edge of town.   But the reception desk gal kindly gave me directions and they were able to look at Tanza even though I was way past my set appointment time. 

The other stress is my housemate got transferred to SLC, he left yesterday.  He texted me Thursday,  I guess that is all the notice they give their apprentice linemen, and sounded like even full linemen don't get much notice; that is just the nature of that job as opposed to a lineman that works for a local utility.  I am happy for J to be only 4 hours from his home so he can see his wife and toddler every weekend.  But I'm still  stressed that I have to find a new housemate.   I don't know whether to try to find someone with or wanting to get a horse; or try to get another very handy guy that is doing contract work near here.   When I have to start being in the office 3x/week in June it would be quite nice to have a horse person to cover evening feeding, but I can figure something out with the neighbor kids if I need to and it would be nice to have someone do more fixing for a few months.