Friday, January 31, 2025

What a weight off my mind

 Tanza's fetlock lameness is improving.  They did not take new x-rays, the vet said since its only 2 months she wouldn't expect to be able to see much change on the sesamoid x-rays, but with the level of improvement in gait after flexion from November she didn't think he needed to have shock wave therapy and if they do the shockwave it is $800-1K each time and they do it 3 or 4 times every 2 weeks.   The only issue they found on his stifle was some excess fluid, and that might from him compensating for the fetlock soreness.   

So keep on doing what I have been,  using the cold laser 4-5 times a week and feeding the OCD pellets and I can bring him back for a recheck in 2 months.   I'll probably just have Dr Mike evaluate him.  I need to get another trailer ball with only a couple inches of drop to pull my trailer with B's pickup.   I guess I was hoping/thinking I'd have my pickup to use by then.  But I should drive B's pickup somewhat more often,  I've been using the trickle charger some to keep the battery okay but vehicles should be driven a couple times a month for other things.  

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