I have not pinged nor been pinged by the DL family since Friday. That is a bit weird, I need to contact her if she is not going to contact me first. My mantra borrowed from Hay Creek ranch of "it will be fine" only goes so far w/o some pre planning and communication.
Dad used up all the water last night watering the little flower bed --he forgot to shut it off after 45-60 minutes. I don't know if the system recovered so that he was able to water the big flowerbed today or not. Probably he waited to see if it would rain, possibly he borrowed tanks and trailer from neighbor and hauled more water in. He has sentimental attachment to mom's flowers too so I am not going to nag/ask him about it.
Heh 'speaking' of nagging: Someone has left dishes in the sink at work all week. Before someone went all nagging nazi with notes over the sink after I forgot my gunky 1 qt pyrex over the weekend *I* probably would have washed the one plate, cup and 2 utensils since "I use this sink a lot and sometimes forget my soaking dishes" But I am holding resolute on the no community actions until/unless the extra nagging note that was up on the Monday after I'd forgotten my dish is taken down. Perhaps someone will mention the situation someday and I will inform them why some things that used to happen just don't anymore and why my cream is "mine, hands off'." They probably think its about money or something like that since they are on such a different wavelength than me.
Notes annoy me. If they ask why you no longer do something just tell them why you no longer provide free supplies.
oh, NoScript eats posts. I think its the noscript anyway.
I'm glad you figured it out. I missed getting the occasional comment even though my blog is 90% personal journal, not trying to entertain, inform or persuade anyone.
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