I've always joked that I work to support my 4 legged dependents. Lately juggling a weanling and 2 older horses + my main riding horse I thought I may as well blog it for a bit.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Green horse ride today
Sadie was a greenie today. Got to one spot and did not want to go forward. Sticky feet, a bit of trying to turn around but mostly sticky feet. But we got past the sticky ground spot w/o me losing my temper and she was back to being a fun ride.
I work in a liberal city. I have 4 horses that I own solely and rent living space for me and & the horses at my parents place. In total there are 9 equines -2 are minis, a cat and 2 dogs on 10 acres.
The cast:
Ole: 2005? model pound pup. Sweet & boisterous personality
Mia: 2003? Great Pyrennes dog.
cat: Peekaboo -2007.
Horses: Cindy. 1982 arab cross mare. Has sidebone so only light work but still has 'fire snorting' personality under saddle.
GreyMoun. 1988 arabian gelding. He is semi-retired, but seems to LOVE showing green horses the ropes at LD rides.
Shade: 1997 arabian mare. It took us a good while to form a bond but she has turned into quite an honest endurance horse. I don't train to ride fast but she's a great completer.
Sadie: 2007 arabian filly. I got Shade at 30months old & was not going to get another horse that was not already under saddle --but I bought Sadie in Utero in Feb 2007, she was born the end of april. Funny how life hapens.......
the parent horses: AJ 1993 -16.3 TB.
RazzMo- 2002 Andalusian arab cross
CJ-2002 grade QH.
Like Mud?
Sticky feet --like she was very reluctant to move her legs, even trying to weave her down the road.
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