Went to the Shamrock endurance ride this weekend. Last year I did the pioneer ride, 55 miles each day 3 days in a row. I was so exhausted I decided I would not try to do that again unless I had a faster, stronger horse or a crew.
This year I did the 55* mile ride on friday, rode the 11 mile poker ride with my dad on saturday, and then rode the 55 mile ride again on sunday. Much nicer. I have ridden this ride over a dozen times and never noticed until dad pointed out that some of the barbwire fence strands on that loop were really old. Old fashioned metal star barbs on it, not the modern wire points. On the collage, as blogspot is cutting it off it would be in the most right column and 4th down --not counting the wire strand example on the top. Guess I should try to take a picture next time I got to this ride, it was not easy to even find an image of that kind of barbed fencing.
Only trouble on saturday was RazzMo kept losing his easyboots. We are planning to do a family trail riding trip around the first week of august. Razz will be shod for that, the appt is for July 20th. I have used boots on him before and never had problems with them coming off, but he kept popping the RF off this time and the last time it rolled down a bank or something and we could not find it. But he didn't seem to get footsore so no big deal. Weekend was easier for me with the easy day in between, and dad and RazzMo look like they'll be ready for the trail riding trip.
* My math is not wrong, AERC sanctions rides to the nearest 5 mile point. This ride is about 53 miles by the odometers of the vehicle(s) they use to mark it.
1 comment:
Right click on the picture and open in a new window or tab.
You know what? That barbed wire looks kind of like the stuff we have on the old cow lot. I think I will go back there and do a comparison.
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