I rode Sadie on Sunday. She is a good horse. I have been giving her a treat after I'm mounted to encourage patience while I get situated and also using a mounting block so I can get up there easily. Yesterday she was wriggling around as she looked back for the treat and got the 2 step plastic block under herself. I didn't succeed in getting her moved without hitting hit and she tipped it over with her hind leg. Startled herself and she jumped a bit but she stopped for me quickly, ate another cookie and we rode in the arena. She was leery of the block and wouldn't go very close but otherwise was unconcerned and we had a nice ride. Trotted two laps without breaking gait each direction and worked on going into the corners when walking. I think Sadie is ready to canter under saddle but the neighbors had company in their yard next to our little arena + with the tipped over block I figured I should not get greedy.
Why would the neighbors be concerned?
LOL -- I do tend to write in very short cut style. I did not want to ask the still very green horse to canter while the neighbors were walking around, opening garage doors and stuff in case one of their noises or motions startled her. A sudden startle when the mount is already cantering can be harder to sit out and I'm in the older, play it safe now, phase of riding life.
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