they didn't have karioke (how is that spelled then.) Threats of having it next year or something to increase participation in the entertainment. PUHLEASE NO! --it was not bad this year with just a few people. I ducked out for a beer at the start of the 'performance' I knew would not be much fun. Then I sat on the floor for their 2nd guitar selection so I could make faces w/o being seen :P Is classical guitar just 80% melancholy stuff? Someone else was roped into playing and it was like that too. Then good singer with more rock guitar stuff but he was choosing ballad lyrics too. Depressed that the R's flipped 60 seats and control the House? I was still kind of pissed from the NOAA guy saying the lame duck congress might pass a much belated budget (with spin that the lame dems would be saving NOAA and NSF from the GOP vs the truth that Pelosi and the rest of the marxist D's unconstitutionally passed HCtakvoer (I refuse to call it reform) to cripple the economy instead of passing a budget as they are tasked to do by the constitution. So if they had had karioki I might have queued up Johnny Paycheck IIRC. I swear if Barry gets re-elected and those fools crow about it I might do exactly that in 2-3 years.
Todays fun was listening to control freak data expert whine that we cannot put data on mass store or ldm so more people can easily get to it without the hassle of our web interface and limited bandwidth. BULL PUCKY we can't do it, he has not been ready to relinquish any control. I hope user demand forces him to do it. He is the biggest, dumbest liberal in the bunch too. I mean even other most liberals condemned OBL after 9-11; but CF literally told me "I'm sure OBL had no idea so many people would actually be killed"
I am just so thankful that I will be on vacation now for about 10 days with no internet and no TV. Dumbass infighting about how 'tea party' people cost the R's seats better not show up either. again PUH-LEASE. Before the tea party the GOP might have just barely pulled out 40 house seats to take that branch just because the dems have been so nasty to the country but it was the tea party that kept the GOP inline to barely take part in the HCT (thanks Snowe or Collins for letting it out of committee before Brown could be elected) and it was people's feeling that the tea party can reform the GOP and actually make them shrink this bloated gubermint that flipped 60 house and 6 senate seats from D to R.
Friday, November 5, 2010
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