I guess I should not have pulled goatheads, even for less than an hour in the full heat of the day. Doh.
Yesterday I went over my scratched up waterbed stand and the drawer fronts with shoe polish so it would not ruin the look of the nice new floors and set the bed back up. Slept well in spite of there being some smell from the shoe polish or something. Ole couldn't jump up from the slick floor LOL, I put down a sheepskin rug this morning --spoiled rotten dog. I shouldn't spoil him so, but I rationalize that maybe he'll stick with me better if I do. Keeping him tied when I'm out and he doesn't just stay in the house IS helping with that. I'm toying with the idea of setting up a zip line overhead. He does not pull on his tie out at all except the one morning when the onery stray was here. I even tied him to just an empty plastic bucket one night and he did not think he should drag it around at all so a lighter tire would not do anything. Overhead zip line would be easier for ME to deal with once it was up and probably give him quite a bit more room.
Keep the zipline away from anything he might get tangled up in. We have a zipline that runs from an old corncrib to a tree and the dogs have managed to entangle themselves on everything they can reach.
thanks for the advice. he does not do too badly with a long rope and the tire and he just waits when he does tangle. If I have a zip line I can give him less slack to tangle up while still giving him mobility at least in theory. Sure is easier with the GP that doesn't need a super good fence to hold her.
Heh, one of our dogs keeps escaping the dog pen (about 200 square feet of yard and my brother converted the corn crib into a giant dog house) every time there is a rain storm. He would rather be in our house rather than his own. I cant find where he is getting out of either. We have sealed up the hole over one fence but I have the idea he is jumping out of the other one. Or maybe taking the chance of breaking a leg and jumping out of the top directly onto the ground, he used to crawl out on some pipe before doing that though.
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