Sadie had to come say hi, and see if I had treats when I was taking pictures.
I rode Shade twice. Saturday my dad walked out as I just finishing saddling and asked if the dogs needed a run, nope I took them in the morning. Since he was dressed and outside I asked him to video me with the camera so I can get some advice from my horsewoman guru friend in GA. I rode in the little pasture and RazzMo was looking over dads shoulder and sometimes nudging him the few minutes I had him video me. So I told dad he should throw a saddle on Razz since Razz was so bored, and he did. So we went down the road west just a bit as the dogs had wanted to come, then Mia was done after going just a few hundred meters so we turned around, I shut her in the yard and we went the other way about a km. Shade and Razz were both dragging after passing home, Shade was just wanting to eat. I am going to up her and Grey's feed a bit more and than suck it up and move RazzMo within a few weeks so I can give Shade and Grey richer hay. I hate to make the change because its so convenient for graining having Razz in with Shade and Grey. Shade shares with Grey and not Razz so they get what I want them to have; then CJ is boss over Cindy and Sadie but he goes to the first pan I dump feed in and stays there. Sadie and Cindy sometimes swap or share but its not bad. But if I have Razz in with CJ and those girls he is boss, he has to test every pan to see if one has better or more stuff and he eats much faster than CJ. So I'll have to halter him and take him out when I want everyone to have specific stuff. Its a PITA when its cold. Maybe I'll have to swap Razz back and forth depending on when I'll be willing to take him out.
Sunday it was even warmer but we had a good breeze. So I rode Shade again. We had a bit of cantering to save my sanity for another week or so. Then I dumped and scrubbed the water tanks east of the house, both of which were really due for that. Maybe the mini's barrel is low enough to dump today. I didn't want to mess with it yesterday with 7-8 inches in it although I could have tipped it since its only a 1/2 barrel. AJ's tank is half-full. I scooped some hay floaties out of it. So I guess he uses it as night when we put his hay in his stall. So I probably wont try to talk the parents out of using that tank and heating it when its cold. Its been mild the last 3 nights so I haven't plugged in heaters. I want it to be COLD in Copenhagen, DC, and NYC to help fight Dopenhagen, but I'm enjoying the milder temps here while we have them.
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