Pausing between rides
« Thread Started on Dec 13, 2008, 2:25pm »
Had a little jaunt on Shade, and I'm going to take another spin on either Grey or Razz in a bit. **I picked Razz
Its supposed to get COLD and stormy tomorrow so I have to take advantage while I can.
Then I'll probably haul some christmas stuff down from the attic. I'm not going to put up all the crap mom does when she's not sick, its about too much. But at absolute minimum the gatepost light pumpkins have got to be switched out for the snowmen. We may be rednecks but were not pagans
Then I'll have to log in to work and see what I should be doing, and sometime I have to worm the equines, but none of them looks wormy so I'm not making that too urgent, Sadie got dosed 6 weeks ago, the rest should have some immunity by now.
"Moonlight rides are fun even when there is no moon" Ute Jung
Well the forecast was close although it had sunday's low about 10 farenheit degrees too warm. It snowed saturday night till about noon on sunday and then got cold. Denver set a record low for Dec 14 before midnight, of colder than minus 15 degrees Farenheit. Shade and Sadie's tank has a smaller heater and it had 1/2 inch of ice this morning. I broke them a hole and fished some ice out of the water with a 4x4, picking up once I was not going to wet my gloves. They drank some, when I went back out about 40 minutes later it was refreezing, but I scooped all ice out of the water with a strainer but left the lid of ice over most of the tank with just the 18" hole open. Hopefully that cuts down on the steam cooling.
I also got the snowmen exchanged for the pumpkins on the gate posts, and a couple of decorations up on saturday.
On Sunday the dogs and cats mostly were couch potato's, while I did some picking up and tossed much junk mail and put mags and newspapers away; getting down to bills and papers of moms. This inspired her to clean the table clear to the tablecloth so YAAY!. In the evening the cats were restless so I put up the christmas tree, which I also fondly refer to as 'the giant kitty toy'. I got it up and lights strung, and a sparse set of ornaments. Maybe mom will get in a mood to decorate it a bit more, or I'll add more ornaments, probably slowly unless I decide I must move boxes back to the garage. But we're low key with the house cleaning as you've no doubt gathered.
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