So today is another Indian summer day and I needed to ride before I bit off an innocents head. So I grabbed Grey Moun and Sadie and went out. They were enjoying the warm sun and green grass as I let them mosey and grab grass the first few hundred yards. Then we walked and trotted a ways and I turned around when we hit a longish gravel stretch, I baby them the week after trimming. So we are heading home and I go for a bit of trot/canter work. Well mistake #1, a yearling is not a good candidate to pony at faster speeds and I've been pushing my luck every time I've done it.
Mistake #2, I tend to give my horses too much line when I pony them and I didn't shorten my line up good before asking for a trot.
Result. My wench filly spurted in front of Grey Moun a little bit and kicked up her heels. Her left rear hoof connected with my right lower leg. OUCH. In fact its was ouch ouch ouch, #@! you Sadie, tight circle around and I kicked her in the ribs. Of course that had no force behind it since I was still mounted on Grey Moun.
So we walked the rest of the way home with Sadie on a much shortened lead. She put her ears back at Grey/me at one point and I yelled at her and then took her head right up to my lap for a bit of time-out. So ponying will have to be strictly slower speeds with her. Her and Shades pen is plenty big to run around in and she gets to play in the weed patch pasture once a week. And maybe I'll suck it up and do some oval pen work with her. Sigh, ground work is not my cup of tea.
On the 8th I had a better time with Sadie and Grey. Here's a pic from that day. We went over a pile of wood chips --spongy footing effect and up and down the bank into the dry irrigation ditch that day.
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