Friday went to DMV office which is thanfully just 10 miles away. I needed to get insurance before I could get plates, could have called to learn that but then I would not have known that the seller needed to sign her middle name and had not so I had to get her to sign another form. She was kind of evading me, downloaded the form and faxed it to me, I was unsure of that so I called the DMV office and they said I had to have the original form so then I called seller back and asked to meet her at her work and get her signature and she was ok with that.
Seller is getting a job with the U.S. government to do international social work. Visiting refugee camps, granting special visas etc. Kind of interesting, never would have crossed paths with her except for buying the car. I was a bit frustrated though, she was all concerned to get the car detailed, washed etc. Did not get needed oil change taken care of..... I guess I'm just completely an engineer I want form to FOLLOW function.
Today I lazed around, put my fly baits that I took down thursday so they wouldn't overflow in the rain back out and added a couple more so we hopefully wont get over run with flys after the 1.5 inches of needed rain. I took just an 8 mile ride on Shade down the road. Mabye I'll get my camera in later and post her picture that I did at least take, LOL --Oh my what a funky expression I caught her in.
The ride was kind of frustrating, she felt not 100% even, I cant decide if I'm being a 'hypochondriac' or if she still is a bit short striding on her RF. But I have the vet coming wednesday to give rabies shots so I'll have him check her out then. The first time I've done a rabies vaccination but I was hearing of exposures in neighboring states and seeing a lot of dead skunks on the road. The most excitement of the day was Mia -dumb blonde Great Pyrennese dog stopping right in front of Shade. Shade expects dogs to get out of the way and I forgot Mia freezes and didn't take us to the side before we got right up on top of Mia. Luckily Shade was able to just widen her stride and go over Mia without kicking her. Could have been a real wreck if Mia had gotten knocked down and tripped us, or gotten ribs stepped on and broken.
Here is a picture of the blonde dog standing behind AJ, mom's 16.2 hand TB
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