Certainly not shocking in our climate but it was 80F (about 27C) yesterday so it feels strange to look at snow out the window today. It was still sunny this morning. We had a chilly wind at times but Shade and I took a 5 mile ride and then I shuffled horses around. Sadie and Shade are now in pen with the pre-built shed I bought in Jan and CJ is in with RazzMo and Grey and Cindy in the bigger pen. I propped the gate open to the smaller pen with a tire (tied to the gate so wind cant just defeat this) Hopefully this will allow all the horses to get out of the wind if they cant share one large shed. I think Shade will share a shed (just not a food tub) with Sadie but that shed is in the middle of the paddock so Sadie can for sure have a wind break.
Wow I really should have pictures to illustrate the horse pens. Oh well I like to re-read my entries once in a while, they don't have to be clear to the rest of the world to serve the main purpose of being an on-line journal.
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