I was telling everybody at HJ that I was going to GC so I would have to miss the FM ride. Then I checked email after getting home and GC accepted my entry, but they want their attendees to be in full germophobe mode. I just can't do it. I can see how the ride would still be fun for a group of friends camping together and only having to mask up and keep a 10 foot distance at the vet checks. But it is no go for traveling solo to a ride with intention to visit with whomever has a bit of free time like I normally do. So I emailed GC manager I have a cold and need to cancel, w/o the mention that cold is from Sunday and I'm already over it and I signed up for the FM ride.
With my pickup needing repairs twice this summer and the extra work to line up the neighbors to cover chores cuz dad is practically housebound anymore I am pretty sanguine about not taking the 8 day trip to AZ; but I am a bit bummed because I thought I'd also try to go to a 3 day ride that manager is putting on in late October that is only 1 day drive to get to and wouldn't be such a long trip. Maybe I still will go to that one; if they have it; and if some of the folks I mingle a bit with at rides will be going and I can join their circle. But what a PITA, having to make special 'lets camp together' plans to be able to expect to get any visiting in when going to a ride. Fauci should get some of the 'medical research' he has approved for beagles and monkeys done to him. What an evil gnome.
Just rechecked the germaphobe schedule. They dropped 1 ride and the ride I thought was end of Oct is Oct 7-9. I'll go to the Moab ride put on by a new person that is at the end of Sept instead if Tanza is sound and I can get there. I'm still processing my angst over the long time manager whose rides were so fun because they were so relaxed and they always hauled bags to away checks and provided lunch etc becoming scared of the virus. Maybe next year I can plan ahead and join a good sized group going to one or two of those rides so I won't just be hunkering alone in my trailer when not on the trail.
Oh and dad didn't pay the electric bill last month and it is due on Monday. I grabbed it so I can sign up for auto pay from my checking account on Monday. Sighhhh. I knew this (having to make sure bills got paid and other critical paperwork like renewing insurance etc) was coming soon but I barely keep up with my own critical paperwork like vehicle registrations and insurance. But the stuff that I can set up to be autopay will be ok. At least we only have the electric company and not electric, nat gas and water. I don't know how I'll keep sane if dad deteriorates more and needs an aide and so on but clings to barely alive status for years. Awful of me I suppose but there it is. Well if we could hire an aide it wouldn't be bad, but if I end up having to be unpaid home care giver it will be a huge stress on me.