I got kind of a late start but did get in a nice 6 mile ride on Tanza. It may get nice enough to ride today also but its been windy this morning. Tanza was a good boy and I feel like our riding mojo is enough back that I am ready to ride solo from Sharptail next weekend if my riding buddy has other plans. I will put aside my pride and ask if she would like to ride together as it is more fun to have riding company but I need to be able to enjoy a conditioning ride with just me and Tanza or I won't be able to get him endurance fit since I don't have a big pool of riding buddies.
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Friday, May 20, 2022
This week has been better for me
Partly because B took pity or whatever on me and rode with me on Sunday. I would have liked to ride 17 miles at Spruce, she wanted to ride only the meadows. I suggested she graze Taj so I could ride up the service road for hill work so we did that compromise. She would have been OK with me doing the top loop as well I think but I wasn't wanting to try to ride it at training pace alone with all the hikers.
I have also been taking St. Johns Wort. They say up to 3 pills/day and I've been taking one. The label has a photosensitivity warning so I suppose I should see if I notice an issue if I stop it but I can also just take care to always use sunscreen.
I've been riding Sadie this month. I rode her down the road Wed morning, first time riding her out of paddock in ages. I rode Tanza in paddock on Thursday morning. I probably would have been OK to take him down the road but there were some pretty good wind gusts, though not steady winds and I was nervous. And other than I probably don't ride for nearly as long when riding in paddock it works pretty well with Tanza. He is pretty energetic even riding in the paddock.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Trying some herbs to help with my mood issues
Went looking online and ashwagandha which I already take was one for stress relief but that article said you need quite a bit so I started taking 2 capsules morning and night instead of the 1 I had been taking. I think it is helping me feel less on the verge of a meltdown. I also ordered some vervain, haven't got it yet and some St Johns wort. The wort is supposed to be good for depression. Vervain for anxiety. I might be getting menopausal moodiness and some kind of progesterone supplement would help but I don't want to boost breast cancer risk if I can get through this w/o messing with that.
Texted B about her ride and asked if she was resting Taj this weekend and we will probably ride somewhere tomorrow. I think M and J are going to do a lot of horse camping this summer. With fuel so high it certainly makes way more sense to pay the camping fees than drive to trailheads and back home for 2 day rides in a weekend. But I don't think I can do that with dads sketchy health and so many critters. I rarely trailered out to ride with Grey Moon or Shade, but Tanza is so much more fun to ride with company. He is overly reactive riding field roads at home and I don't have the confidence to just laugh it off. But I have been riding him more at home the last few weeks and also have started riding Sadie. Sadie is the backup if I can't ride Tanza at rides since Razz has some lameness. I could do fun rides on Sadie and select loops not being used that day. But I'm hoping Tanza will be good to go for LaVeta and grand Canyon.
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Day ride will only be from home today.
I could have texted neighbor this morning but did not when I saw he had dad's p/u hooked up to a trailer last night when I walked over but he was not outside. I suppose in my subconscious I didn't really want to spend the extra time and effort to haul to a trailhead just to ride by myself. I have done it with Tanza and he has been fine but after the freak incident injuries last year I've regressed in my trust level. Plus I've been dragging, maybe I need to make it a point to eat more protein and see if my energy level improves.
So horses got turned out to eat the grass. It loses all appeal for them when it gets mature since its mostly rye and downy brome. I will catch Tanza and ride later. In the meantime I need to do some fence repair and deconstruction and don't really want to hoe flower bed but do want to remove more of the grass and get it ready for some flower seed I bought last week.