Work emailed today that we are considered a federal contractor and subject to vaccine mandate EO for federal workers. NO exception for folks working from home, NO allowance to get tested weekly instead.
I told my bosses to find out if the org will extend that to their contractors. If not, then I will do through monkey work to set up as a contractor. Otherwise sayanora, you have until the deadline to get me replaced.
I'm very angst about it, but I've made so many rationalizations that it is ok to keep working there, as they spread climate change lies and so on and I really want to hold the line on not going along with an illegal mandate from the resident of the oval office, only in that office because of obvious massive election cheating.
I feel like I may be a minority of one who doesn't just cave "it is only a shot, and there is only .x % chance I'll have a horrible side effect from it" That side effect risk isn't even the issue for me. I just don't want to cave instantly and thus put extra pressure to cave on people with natural immunity from recovering from covid, are young, healthy, want to have kids, have a serious moral qualm from the developed with fetal stem cells from an abortion issue etc etc. I am bummed at all the people crying "well I had to cave, I'd have lost some job seniority or perks" I don't want to be one of that group, emotionally dragging determined resistors down.