My work had/has the DUMBEST survey imaginable. I took it anyway to make sure there was not a lurking comments section --which there wasn't and then tried to page back and it wont let me because its limited to one survey response per user. I hope I can pull it up from home, I really want to document it, NOW while I'm thinking about it and not later if/when they provide a link to the results.
I am feeling more and more like 90% of gub'mint funded science is just 'work'fare for geeks who weren't good enough to make it as engineers etc. We -my group(s) make small contributions to weather modeling/forecasting, the USAF is interested in the one groups outputs and I know some university forecasters (well at least 1) use my ground based results in forecasting but overall -- feels like there is a lot of workfare and just a bit of actual contributions that anyone might willingly pay for in a capitalist exchange. Sigh, I have got to explore some micro business ideas, I'm not ready to leave a good paying job with nothing lined up to replace that income but this feeling that I have workfare more than a real job that cropped up around the '08 elections is just not fading off and I don't think it will change much even if 'my' candidates win in November.
1. How old are you?
29 or younger
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 or older
2. What is your gender?
3. Do you think global warming is happening?
Extremely sure global warming is happening
Somewhat sure global warming is happening
Not at all sure global warming is happening
Don't know
Not at all sure global warming is not happening
Somewhat sure global warming is not happening
Extremely sure global warming is not happening
4. How worried are you about global warming?
Very worried
Somewhat worried
Not very worried
Not at all worried
5. I could easily change my mind about global warming?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
6. Which comes closer to your own view?
Most scientists think global warming is happening
Most scientists think global warming is not happening
There is a lot of disagreement on whether global warming is happening between scientists
Don’t know enough to say
7. How much do you support or oppose the regulation of carbon dioxide?
Strongly support
Somewhat support
Somewhat oppose
Strongly oppose
8. How big of an effort should the United States make to reduce global warming?
A large-scale effort, even if it has large economic costs
A medium-scale effort, even if moderate economic costs
A small-scale effort, even if it has small economic costs
No effort
9. Do you think scientists should take strong advocacy positions on things like global warming?
Strongly support
Somewhat support
Somewhat oppose
Strongly oppose
So imaginary reader(s) Is this full of really badly worded questions or what. Ie. Do most scientists believe global warming is happening? NOTE they do not say human caused global warming (AGW)
Uh yeah pretty much, Some scientists believe its just rebound warming from the little ice age, some think there is a modest bit of human influence (not necessarily much of it from CO2) and then there are the ones who used CO2 to jigger the climate models to better match climate history AND add in all positive feedback from increased water evaporation from the oceans and OMG we are going to flood all the islands and other various hysteria. BUT there is no option to answer the question anywhere close to this truer fact version.