Just been a funky week for me. I'm churning up again with politics/government and the MarxSpewMedia, I want to fight back but I don't know how. I did post a video of the swat team called on tea party patriots. If I had a larger audience that would be good because knowledge is power. Perhaps I feel overwhelmed, it seems like way more folks are parroting the worst of the lies. Perhaps I should drop looking at some peoples' stuff.
And then the BP oil spill. I hate BP, their machinations were a huge contribution to the Iran we have now. They wanted president somebody gone. Truman told them to foad, but they went back to Eisenhower, sold it as fighting communism and the shah was helped into place. Then when Carter came along so did the ayatollah. And now we have crazy ach my dinner job months away from getting a nuclear bomb and Barry telling Israel they can't try to use force to push things back. We seriously could have a nuclear world war inside this decade. BUT -- oil companies are responsible for cleanup means we will bill them! It should not mean that BP is a bigger coordinating force than the U.S. government. Well they can probably do a much better job, but I don't think they expected to be in charge of lining everything up so precious days were lost while Barry ordered legal teams in before addressing the cleanup! And of course the MSM will give him a pass on that and just use this to push green energy, but not nuclear energy which actually might be useful to meet growing electricity demands. SIGGHHHHHH
I went and adopted a cat this morning. A sweet, mature neutered male. He needs a name and lots of brushing/combing. Full shed mode. He is a DSH, so I hope the shedding will not be a constant affair. The down side of that is I didn't get to work until 2 pm. I already put vacation time on the card so no biggie to leave a little early but sigh. He is a grey tabby with white just at his paws. I had no color preference, just wanted a mellow cat that liked petting and laps. There was a very pretty dark calico cat there but she was longer haired, which I would have lived with but I thought she might be too restless. She was the first one to come and get petted of the group of 5 they had in a visiting room, but she was mewing the whole time and was kind of grabbing at my hands if I touched any spot she didn't like, so I went with Mr Mellow. I had to get out of there before I caved on just one cat. I do think an older cat will be happier, only having pushy Ole dog interfering with his toys and lap time.
We are trying to get a new mission processing in close to real-time mode. Well my fun new innovation of periodic clocks is no go with the initial data as we are getting it still in daily batches. Hopefully by reverting to the older method of generating custom clocks we can iron out wrinkles in the rest of the processing and then if we start getting data segments that are a few hours rather than combined for an entire day we can try my special clocks again and that will be the only thing that needs to be tweaked.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
This should go viral with MUCH ridicule for Barry
dvideo of SWAT team called in for tea partiers near an Obama speech
You simply have to watch it. Then click over to Gateway Pundit and see the pictures once the SWAT team is in place
Its ludicrous, delectably ludicrous. One or two beat cops could have told these moms and grandmoms to "please move to just this side of the street folks" and they would have shrugged their shoulders and peacefully obeyed. There were no vicious libtard counter protesters in sight, which might have made a big display of force necessary, just the Red White and Blue tea partiers.
The libtards are so laughable. When the productive members of this country decide they have had enough commie nonsense they can simply shut down for a week or two, let the dumb urban elitist libs and their 'plantation substitute slum dwellers, all we need from you now is your D votes' thin each other out and when the white flags come out and the commies beg for mercy announce "We are not resuming productivity until laws repealing welfare, the healthscare takeover, the corporate crony bailouts, yada yada have been passed" If we have to use the guns we 'cling to', it will only be to drive off scavengers.
You simply have to watch it. Then click over to Gateway Pundit and see the pictures once the SWAT team is in place
Its ludicrous, delectably ludicrous. One or two beat cops could have told these moms and grandmoms to "please move to just this side of the street folks" and they would have shrugged their shoulders and peacefully obeyed. There were no vicious libtard counter protesters in sight, which might have made a big display of force necessary, just the Red White and Blue tea partiers.
The libtards are so laughable. When the productive members of this country decide they have had enough commie nonsense they can simply shut down for a week or two, let the dumb urban elitist libs and their 'plantation substitute slum dwellers, all we need from you now is your D votes' thin each other out and when the white flags come out and the commies beg for mercy announce "We are not resuming productivity until laws repealing welfare, the healthscare takeover, the corporate crony bailouts, yada yada have been passed" If we have to use the guns we 'cling to', it will only be to drive off scavengers.
I rode Shade today. It felt hot, but I beat the wind which is supposed to bring in a cold front. Since its hot, I'm still dragging from sunday, and shots were yesterday I just rode for about 20 minutes in their paddock. Today I had just tossed the LJ on her and after doing a decent canter lap we stopped away from the gate and I decided to just strip the saddle right there and give them their last bit of morning hay. Shade isn't a gate monster and I often unsaddle her in the paddock after stopping near the gate but I figured a little extra randomizing cant hurt. Ole was a bit bummed he didn't get to go down the road but he'll have more fun if dad takes him for a run after it cools off.
I have this fantasy of how I would save the republic. First hey make me dictator with promise of a new identity in 4-6 years when I'm done. I would do away with cash welfare. Well not entirely I would have it so anybody can get 6 months as cash every 5 years for lost job, lost a spouse, suffered disabling injury. After that you get to live in a dorm/baracks situation. Families get a dorm room, maybe a 2 room suite. Meals are served in the cafeteria, you eat what is served or skip a meal, you get up and make the beds no later than we tell you. There is an adult TV with C-span and a kids TV with cartoons, a library. You want anything else you can feed an electric meter and buy an ipod or whatever with any funds you have. I will let you move into the barracks immediately if you qualify for the cash benefit so you can choose to save it up if you may want to pay for education, start a business, whatever. Howling about the infringement of liberties -- HEY feel free to become self-supportive and live as you would like --on your own dime.
I would tell the EPA, NOAA, the NSF, NASA, they are cutting their budgets 7% a year and I will even let them figure out where to cut. I will ignore the protests and raise the age for SS benefits to a sustainable level (72 maybe) and allow medicare to kick in no earlier than 2 years before the SS age threshold. I will make it illegal for people paid with public funds to strike, or to make political or any kind of 527 donations with union dues.
I would cut the Dept of Energy and the Dept of Education by 10% a year for those 5 years. I would force the Dept of Education to move to schools having to teach the old 3 R's and the constitution and declaration of independence.
I would amend the voter rights act so that if someone else can claim you as a dependent you are not eligible to vote. I am not sure how this works for spouses. Married filed jointly means both spouses are eligible maybe?
I would burn the tax code. The standard deductions are it. I'll cut the rates too but just a bit to start with. As the national debt is reduced I will first cut corporate rates (and make it easier for small businesses to have those rates if they would be lower than them filing as individual)
Then standard elections resume and if people elect politicians who vote to move everything back to what I think is destroying the nation, oh well I tried.
I have this fantasy of how I would save the republic. First hey make me dictator with promise of a new identity in 4-6 years when I'm done. I would do away with cash welfare. Well not entirely I would have it so anybody can get 6 months as cash every 5 years for lost job, lost a spouse, suffered disabling injury. After that you get to live in a dorm/baracks situation. Families get a dorm room, maybe a 2 room suite. Meals are served in the cafeteria, you eat what is served or skip a meal, you get up and make the beds no later than we tell you. There is an adult TV with C-span and a kids TV with cartoons, a library. You want anything else you can feed an electric meter and buy an ipod or whatever with any funds you have. I will let you move into the barracks immediately if you qualify for the cash benefit so you can choose to save it up if you may want to pay for education, start a business, whatever. Howling about the infringement of liberties -- HEY feel free to become self-supportive and live as you would like --on your own dime.
I would tell the EPA, NOAA, the NSF, NASA, they are cutting their budgets 7% a year and I will even let them figure out where to cut. I will ignore the protests and raise the age for SS benefits to a sustainable level (72 maybe) and allow medicare to kick in no earlier than 2 years before the SS age threshold. I will make it illegal for people paid with public funds to strike, or to make political or any kind of 527 donations with union dues.
I would cut the Dept of Energy and the Dept of Education by 10% a year for those 5 years. I would force the Dept of Education to move to schools having to teach the old 3 R's and the constitution and declaration of independence.
I would amend the voter rights act so that if someone else can claim you as a dependent you are not eligible to vote. I am not sure how this works for spouses. Married filed jointly means both spouses are eligible maybe?
I would burn the tax code. The standard deductions are it. I'll cut the rates too but just a bit to start with. As the national debt is reduced I will first cut corporate rates (and make it easier for small businesses to have those rates if they would be lower than them filing as individual)
Then standard elections resume and if people elect politicians who vote to move everything back to what I think is destroying the nation, oh well I tried.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I am such a doofus
I haven't been getting Cindy's wrap done very well. She is moving pretty cautious again. Ulp, I hope this is just a longer recovery and not such a setback that I need to make the rainbow bridge call. Yesterday I forgot to turn the water off to her 15 gallon tub! I was shocked when mom called and announced there was a big lake in that pen and the cistern was dry. It only takes a couple of minutes to fill that tub and it was almost full and I meant to turn it off, I must have decided to put something away in the feed room first to let it run another 20 seconds and fill to the brim and forgot to turn it off in that teeny bit of time. Taking absent mindedness to a whole new level.
****UPDATE After vet visit*************
Today was spring shots day and checking on Cindy. She was walking better when I took her over to Dr Mike than first thing in the morning either today or yesterday. Sooo, he thinks she is healing. He checked for hoof pain again since she was so fussy 2 weeks ago on the initial visit. Nada there, then he did some flexion on the fetlock and Cindy was definite that THAT HURTS. So keep her in a support wrap another 2 weeks, 2 months on confinement**. She is not really confined now, she is feeling it enough to avoid carrying on so just being in a not huge pen with no other horse in there to stir her up is good enough, but I may have to limit her pen size in a few weeks. Sadie was good for getting shots. Not perfect as she did not want to stand still but she didn't carry on when she got the shots, and blood drawn for her coggins test. I decided to draw blood now so it will be easier to get things in order for training.
I am still thinking I want to send Sadie to Nebraska to be started. I could probably find someone closer who does the long-lining but I've seen this trainer under duress and I KNOW that he does not lose his cool at all. I told my farrier that was my plan along with the statement that Sadie will get the lost temper at some point from me; I don't fly off the handle often but, well I don't think horses should have training complicated by temper so *I* can never be a horse trainer. With my own I can limit contact when my mood is black and they are resilient enough to deal with a minor tantrum from me every couple of years.
****UPDATE After vet visit*************
Today was spring shots day and checking on Cindy. She was walking better when I took her over to Dr Mike than first thing in the morning either today or yesterday. Sooo, he thinks she is healing. He checked for hoof pain again since she was so fussy 2 weeks ago on the initial visit. Nada there, then he did some flexion on the fetlock and Cindy was definite that THAT HURTS. So keep her in a support wrap another 2 weeks, 2 months on confinement**. She is not really confined now, she is feeling it enough to avoid carrying on so just being in a not huge pen with no other horse in there to stir her up is good enough, but I may have to limit her pen size in a few weeks. Sadie was good for getting shots. Not perfect as she did not want to stand still but she didn't carry on when she got the shots, and blood drawn for her coggins test. I decided to draw blood now so it will be easier to get things in order for training.
I am still thinking I want to send Sadie to Nebraska to be started. I could probably find someone closer who does the long-lining but I've seen this trainer under duress and I KNOW that he does not lose his cool at all. I told my farrier that was my plan along with the statement that Sadie will get the lost temper at some point from me; I don't fly off the handle often but, well I don't think horses should have training complicated by temper so *I* can never be a horse trainer. With my own I can limit contact when my mood is black and they are resilient enough to deal with a minor tantrum from me every couple of years.
Assorted bits from when ISP was out
Some people think Barry is muslim, but he openly eats pork. Ribs last weekend, has said a favorite Hawaii meal involved spam etc. He’s a commie, but is playing the islamists. They are playing him as well. Both the commies and the islamists feel they may be able to swoop in and take the country over after he does as much damage as we allow him to. HOW I would love to ship every commie promoting idiot to Cuba or Africa. Anywhere really but shipping to a poor country might be cost effective. The bribe we would have to give to China or a European socialist/almost commie country to take our troublesome pests would be too expensive.
Sunday night. We are home from the endurance ride, which was just the Limited Distance for Shade and I today. We came in 5th. A group of hotshoes did the trail wrong and had to redo a few miles of trail. But Shade did well; our official ride time is 2 hours and 44 minutes for the 25 miles. 8mph is a respectable pace for us.
Now I’m showered, need to feed horses a bit more hay. Just gave half rations cuz it was raining when I got home, wanted to limit feed to what would fit in the sheds. I wish my ISP was working. Had a 10 minute window of connection this evening. I sure hope the modem upgrade resolves this.
Good thing I only rode 25 miles. My camelback rubbed my neck. First time that has happened to me. My back was tight at the ride finish, my legs are already feeling sore. I must spend more time riding and doing some other fitness work.
Monday Morning. My back still feels tight but not bad. My ISP is still kaput darnit. Legs don’t feel too bad. My weight has been creeping up instead of down the last couple of weeks, Grrr. Todays blip may be mostly from water retention in the hard worked muscles but I may have suck it up and do a more formal diet if I want to lose these annoying 10-11 lbs. And I do want to lose them, just so far have not wanted it bad enough to make major changes in eating. I was hoping just the minor changes would do and perhaps they will if I am more disciplined and move my feet more than I have been the last couple of weeks. Mom is havng jaw pain again. ARGGGGHHHH, I sure hope that there is some lump of infected or aggrieved bone that can be removed and she’ll be ok again. She has been gardening quite a bit and cooking more often and generally showing more signs of health since the implants were removed.
Ugh, I have a tight spot in right butt cheek. Its not much more than minor annoyance itself but it makes me think I was probably riding unevenly –poor Shade. Guess I should check her out, the vet was not getting anything remarkable at the checks but. Sighhhhhhhhhh, I wish I had a better seat on the horse and a better feel for when I’m kilter.
Sunday night. We are home from the endurance ride, which was just the Limited Distance for Shade and I today. We came in 5th. A group of hotshoes did the trail wrong and had to redo a few miles of trail. But Shade did well; our official ride time is 2 hours and 44 minutes for the 25 miles. 8mph is a respectable pace for us.
Now I’m showered, need to feed horses a bit more hay. Just gave half rations cuz it was raining when I got home, wanted to limit feed to what would fit in the sheds. I wish my ISP was working. Had a 10 minute window of connection this evening. I sure hope the modem upgrade resolves this.
Good thing I only rode 25 miles. My camelback rubbed my neck. First time that has happened to me. My back was tight at the ride finish, my legs are already feeling sore. I must spend more time riding and doing some other fitness work.
Monday Morning. My back still feels tight but not bad. My ISP is still kaput darnit. Legs don’t feel too bad. My weight has been creeping up instead of down the last couple of weeks, Grrr. Todays blip may be mostly from water retention in the hard worked muscles but I may have suck it up and do a more formal diet if I want to lose these annoying 10-11 lbs. And I do want to lose them, just so far have not wanted it bad enough to make major changes in eating. I was hoping just the minor changes would do and perhaps they will if I am more disciplined and move my feet more than I have been the last couple of weeks. Mom is havng jaw pain again. ARGGGGHHHH, I sure hope that there is some lump of infected or aggrieved bone that can be removed and she’ll be ok again. She has been gardening quite a bit and cooking more often and generally showing more signs of health since the implants were removed.
Ugh, I have a tight spot in right butt cheek. Its not much more than minor annoyance itself but it makes me think I was probably riding unevenly –poor Shade. Guess I should check her out, the vet was not getting anything remarkable at the checks but. Sighhhhhhhhhh, I wish I had a better seat on the horse and a better feel for when I’m kilter.
Monday, April 26, 2010
New modem better fix the ISP outages
Or I will be furious with myself for just hoping the easy fix works and having to pay a termination fee with Hughesnet or a service call. I logged some thoughts in a word doc at home and don't feel like repeating them from fuzzy memory. Doing the 25 yesterday was FUN FUN FUN. Shade placed 5th out of 44 starters. Not shabby at all. We are not out to be 25 miler contenders, I like doing leisurely 50's but it was a blast. Shade was energetic but not wild about it, traveled more round I think and finished with decent scores. Her hydration was a bit behind. I should have been working to get her to drink, we were 5th in the best condition scoring with only 5 of 10 possibly points for hydration. After the vetting she started drinking out of the tanks with gusto. Oh well, I had not been worried about the drinking because she drank well on the trail. If I had known it would be fairly close in points I would have pushed it a bit as the award was an embroidered fly sheet. Now I just have to figure out if I was riding crooked. I was tight in my right glute at the 17 mile vet check. Since it was not something equal on both sides there is that concern. Or maybe Shade doinked it spooking although I don't recall any Uffda spooks on the first loop, but my adrenaline was flowing too so I may be missing one that didn't feel too big at the time. But today I've been dragging a bit, of course I do on mondays anyway.
Friday, April 23, 2010
WooHoo -- THe ride is pushed back to sunday
I was set to wimp out rather than attend the ride scheduled just down the road from me tomorrow due to the wet and cold and forecast for more wet overnight and then brisk winds and highs of just 52F. Sounded too chilly and Shade is really a chill baby. I can dress to keep myself warm but sometimes its hard to manage the horse, especially with a vet check that gets full force of the wind. But it should be dry to pack up tomorrow afternoon, and sundays forecast is 61, sunny and just breezy. We can handle that.
I heart my farriers
They have not all been perfect but they all believe in keeping the horses they work on happy. I did drop one that was not balancing feet like I wanted (not enough heel, even after I quit having him shoe with a too small size) Mom still uses him and I may switch to him for Cindy. I loff L, but Cindy did have the suspensory stuff 2 days after the trim and L did use leverage on the toe to keep Cindy from taking her foot back. Mom's L (heh that is confusing) is really wonderful with the oldies. I don't think my L was using excessive force, and the injury showed 2 days later and was likely a bad step, but now Cindy could use some babying of those legs. I can afford the extra charge. And we have had a horse or 2 noticeably sore after a trim with different farriers but they both were properly sorry, made notes and were careful not to take too much hoof again.
I would be beyond pissed if I got someone with a mindset that there is a perfect hoof shape/angles etc and my horses would have to get used to it if that farriers ideal made them sore. I cringe for horses owned by folks who think its good horsemanship to force to an ideal and accept 'no pain no gain' blather from a farrier/trimmer if that ideal is not right for their specific horse.
I would be beyond pissed if I got someone with a mindset that there is a perfect hoof shape/angles etc and my horses would have to get used to it if that farriers ideal made them sore. I cringe for horses owned by folks who think its good horsemanship to force to an ideal and accept 'no pain no gain' blather from a farrier/trimmer if that ideal is not right for their specific horse.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
OK, going for a walk
Shouldn't be typing this first either. Lord give me guidance, do I need to step away from the information highway to avoid feeling overwhelmed? Go to a different source that possibly won't give me such OMG reactions? or just find ways to channel things as righteous anger to defeat the national parasites? But for now, must step away for some fresh air.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I loff my bay mare

Saturday night I snapped a few pics after the rain quit. Today I wanted to grab a quick ride to stretch our legs. Its quite probable it will be the last ride before Kenlyn. I always cut any conditioning off after the weekend before a ride anyway but I like to have an easy ride or 2 during the week do make sure all the systems are working. I AM an engineering nerd and get to write that. So I catch Shade and got her brushed and tacked up in the LJ pad, Mia is sleeping by Sadie's water tank and I'm thinking I might get to ride w/o having to wrangle her. Nope she heads for the gate when I bridle Shade.
So I put Mia's collar on her and transfer the leadrope from Ole -he wears it to help motivate him to not run off if he decides I'm taking too long or might even skip if I'm doing other things first. Get everybody through the gate and past the neighbors' yard. Their Dachshund is out with them and Ole spooked up something from their driveway corner. It looked like a rabbit but the motion seemed more like a cat running. Ole did quit when it ran into the other neighbors pasture across the road, whew.
I had been pondering whether I should lead Mia all the way past the road into the subdivision after she ducked there last week when I was riding with mom. But I decided to let her go and just get on Shade. Shade let me put her right by the road so I had several inches, the LJ will slide on her pretty easy. I let Shade have quite a bit of grass but did ask her to come on the road and trot to get between Mia and the subdivision road, told her she could eat in the ditch past the road. Shade has always been looky loo there but the place has been empty all winter so I figured she can relax and eat, no cows or goats to charge up to the fence to check her out. She was cool with that today.
We head down the utility road, thankfully Mia did not try to keep going down road 6. I kept twisting back to look for Ole in the CRP, Shade just took advantage to grab more green grass. It was sooooo nice to have her just be relaxed and filling her tank while she had good opportunity. LOL, I can just imagine the disapproval from the 'the horse cannot be encouraged to make such decisions' crowd. Mia went about 1/4 mile down the utility road and was turning for home. Ole had showed up from the CRP. We walked home, trotting just a bit to catch up to Mia, and then to get in front so I could grab her lead as neighbor was burning weeds so I didn't want to risk Shade being too uptight about that to respond as needed to cut Mia off from their driveway.
Then I did just a few rounds in the paddock since the road portion was so brief. OMG Shade gave me a smoooooothhhh canter. A nicely rounded jog too. Then I pulled the bridle and LJ in the pen and gave her and the geldings some hay right away as her reward. Wrangling the dogs, ponying bratty Sadie, ignoring RazzMo to ride in the paddock, Shade really has become my goto horse that I trust to help me keep things working when we ride.
Monday, April 19, 2010
wormed horses today
must worm AJ and Cindy later. I was tired and wanting to get going. Should not have bothered, I forgot to get feed, and have not been very productive at work. Oh well. Substitute calendar entry: Shade, Grey, Razz, Sadie and CJ wormed with 2x safeguard on Apr 19, 2010. Does anyone worm with just 1x safeguard? I usually worm less often then normal and only rotated ivermectin some with the safeguard when Dr Mike recommended it for young Sadie. But I only had 5 doses of ivermectin unless I use up the injectable stuff I bought to dose the minis and Sadie when she was really light. I should use it up its getting old -- I wouldn't care to inject it, but I just syringe it orally anyway. Lots of folks who have huge horse herds do that to save some dough.
blue monday
Perhaps I will have to take a break from internet, or some of the old haunts anyway. I have such a cynical outlook to much of it lately. Certainly wouldn't hurt to do something productive instead. I'm just so bummed when old buddies are rooting for us to become the USSA. How can they not understand how badly that system works after all the examples out there? And if they really think its a great system there are many countries they can move to, why must they try to ruin my country?
LOL --just as I thought. When the great and mighty queen posts that she wrapped her horses leg with a drawing agent on a telfa pad when she went to ride and found he was ouchy without doing a complete check because he had a tendon strain a week or 2 ago and he had to tell her that was making the leg hurt worse and upon listening to him she finds a cut and scrape under the 'dirt' all the LIW lavish praise for listening to the horse. No one dares express the thought that OK, but mere humans should always always always make sure a horses leg is CLEAN before putting on a wrap because dirt can cause abrasions under a wrap anyway and some horses may be too stoic or always fuss at wraps to where the mere humans might miss that they were making things worse. There was a time I would have. Perhaps I will yet, I used to get so mad there and almost wish to be banned, now I still read there some but I have less and less interest. Hmmm, are there enough people I do want to educate vs all the tongue lickers that know everything or know that the queen knows everything? Sometimes I really wonder if queen is having serious memory/logic issues too, it does not seem like my perception of her to just throw a wrap on without checking things and getting every spec of dirt off a leg first.
LOL --just as I thought. When the great and mighty queen posts that she wrapped her horses leg with a drawing agent on a telfa pad when she went to ride and found he was ouchy without doing a complete check because he had a tendon strain a week or 2 ago and he had to tell her that was making the leg hurt worse and upon listening to him she finds a cut and scrape under the 'dirt' all the LIW lavish praise for listening to the horse. No one dares express the thought that OK, but mere humans should always always always make sure a horses leg is CLEAN before putting on a wrap because dirt can cause abrasions under a wrap anyway and some horses may be too stoic or always fuss at wraps to where the mere humans might miss that they were making things worse. There was a time I would have. Perhaps I will yet, I used to get so mad there and almost wish to be banned, now I still read there some but I have less and less interest. Hmmm, are there enough people I do want to educate vs all the tongue lickers that know everything or know that the queen knows everything? Sometimes I really wonder if queen is having serious memory/logic issues too, it does not seem like my perception of her to just throw a wrap on without checking things and getting every spec of dirt off a leg first.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
posting quick while ISP is up
I was forced to journal in a word doc while the internet ISP fussed earlier today.
Dang, my ISP is down and it is really bugging me. I want to see if there is an update on a friend’s mare. Poor D, her mare has suspected EPM and was getting a round of dex steroid treatment and got laminitis from the dex. D was stressed and struggling before the laminitis hit. The mare is under saddle but D never rides her as she gets nervous and then the mare gets antsy, and mare is in upper teens I believe. One thinks horses will thrive into their 20s and this has hit out of the blue for D; she has had some fears that mare’s melanomas might grow and interfere with digestion and had been mentally fortifying for maybe having to make the call and not let mare starve on her feet but not for this. I wish I could give her a big hug.
I have to get some new books. I have a couple that I have only read bits out of. Both are so distressing I cannot read them for any length of time. Steyn “America Alone” on how the western world is having such a failure of confidence that people are not even having kids. Oh dear I am part of the problem there and adoption is the only thing I could do now. Except I doubt I would pass any adoption screenings : Single, rent room in parents house rather than completely independent household, good job but not many deep friendships …. and I am not prepared to practically buy a child anyway. Nope, unless I date and marry a widower with kids I won’t be doing any child rearing. I should do some research on possibility of sponsoring a child in country and then offering to host them for college.
The other unread book is Hewitt, “War against the west” OMG reading how bloody minded the jihadists and arab state agencys dealing with them are is so nasty I can only stand a small dose and then I don’t pick that book up again for ages.
I want to try getting an ebook on my computer. I developed some tendonitis years ago when I was a voracious fiction reader and I think I have some subconscious fears of that returning. I also have a sort of ADD in reading, I like skimming blogs instead of focusing on a book after making forums and blogs my reading sources for several years. I did enjoy the online novel I read so perhaps ebooks will help me get back in the habit of real reading. I need to get something that is not horribly heavy reading as well. I may buy Palin’s “Going Rouge” book this way. I think that might be a good medium between ‘just mind candy fiction’ and overly heavy books that do not expand my mind since I can’t stand to read them.
Argh, it’s a foggy morning and I really wanted to surf a bit. On the plus side I got the check ready to mail to the county to renew my little trailers’ license tag. $51.xx I like the convenience of the little trailer for day trips but right now it feels like I should have gotten a midsize gooseneck instead of getting a BAT and having 2 trailers. But I don’t think right now is a good time to try to sell 2 trailers and wouldn’t want to spend the mental energy. Sometimes I think I could handle having an interfering spouse, but they would have to persuade not tell and be willing to drop things when I was unwilling to go with their idea and somehow I think that’s a tiny subset of people. Most would either want the wife or gf to do all the planning or would try to be totally controlling.
******************Afternoon entry ***********************************************************************************
Well I didn’t trailer anywhere to ride. Did have a nice ride of about 10 miles on Shade. Ole should be a good dog the rest of the day. He went enough of the distance to get pretty hot. There is no water in the irrigation ditch, and yesterdays rain was so slow and not all that much that is just soaked into the ground everywhere.
Dumb dog should have listened to me when I told him to hang out in the tree grove while Shade and I went on and across the highway. There is a bone pile near the grove where I think someone dumps goat carcasses so it should have been very inviting for the dog to hang out and wait for me to come back.
I took pity on Ole as we were heading back and gave him a little of my water. He did get a little bit in him dribbling from my bite valve. I guess I’ll have to make sure I at least have a baggie and a bit more extra water if I let him tag along again when I am taking a longish ride before the irrigation water is running.
Then I told him to hang out under the trees and cool off and take the short way home and Shade and I were going to take the longer way (adds 1 mile). I don’t know just how he went but he was heading down rd 6 after I made Shade dink around looking for him for a few minutes back towards the irrigation ditch and tree grove.
My internet worked for a bit around lunch and is down again. Sigh, if this is going to repeat much at all I’ll have to change providers or at minimum upgrade my Hughes net modem to a newer model. I don’t want to think about it, I just want it to work dangit.
Dang, my ISP is down and it is really bugging me. I want to see if there is an update on a friend’s mare. Poor D, her mare has suspected EPM and was getting a round of dex steroid treatment and got laminitis from the dex. D was stressed and struggling before the laminitis hit. The mare is under saddle but D never rides her as she gets nervous and then the mare gets antsy, and mare is in upper teens I believe. One thinks horses will thrive into their 20s and this has hit out of the blue for D; she has had some fears that mare’s melanomas might grow and interfere with digestion and had been mentally fortifying for maybe having to make the call and not let mare starve on her feet but not for this. I wish I could give her a big hug.
I have to get some new books. I have a couple that I have only read bits out of. Both are so distressing I cannot read them for any length of time. Steyn “America Alone” on how the western world is having such a failure of confidence that people are not even having kids. Oh dear I am part of the problem there and adoption is the only thing I could do now. Except I doubt I would pass any adoption screenings : Single, rent room in parents house rather than completely independent household, good job but not many deep friendships …. and I am not prepared to practically buy a child anyway. Nope, unless I date and marry a widower with kids I won’t be doing any child rearing. I should do some research on possibility of sponsoring a child in country and then offering to host them for college.
The other unread book is Hewitt, “War against the west” OMG reading how bloody minded the jihadists and arab state agencys dealing with them are is so nasty I can only stand a small dose and then I don’t pick that book up again for ages.
I want to try getting an ebook on my computer. I developed some tendonitis years ago when I was a voracious fiction reader and I think I have some subconscious fears of that returning. I also have a sort of ADD in reading, I like skimming blogs instead of focusing on a book after making forums and blogs my reading sources for several years. I did enjoy the online novel I read so perhaps ebooks will help me get back in the habit of real reading. I need to get something that is not horribly heavy reading as well. I may buy Palin’s “Going Rouge” book this way. I think that might be a good medium between ‘just mind candy fiction’ and overly heavy books that do not expand my mind since I can’t stand to read them.
Argh, it’s a foggy morning and I really wanted to surf a bit. On the plus side I got the check ready to mail to the county to renew my little trailers’ license tag. $51.xx I like the convenience of the little trailer for day trips but right now it feels like I should have gotten a midsize gooseneck instead of getting a BAT and having 2 trailers. But I don’t think right now is a good time to try to sell 2 trailers and wouldn’t want to spend the mental energy. Sometimes I think I could handle having an interfering spouse, but they would have to persuade not tell and be willing to drop things when I was unwilling to go with their idea and somehow I think that’s a tiny subset of people. Most would either want the wife or gf to do all the planning or would try to be totally controlling.
******************Afternoon entry ***********************************************************************************
Well I didn’t trailer anywhere to ride. Did have a nice ride of about 10 miles on Shade. Ole should be a good dog the rest of the day. He went enough of the distance to get pretty hot. There is no water in the irrigation ditch, and yesterdays rain was so slow and not all that much that is just soaked into the ground everywhere.
Dumb dog should have listened to me when I told him to hang out in the tree grove while Shade and I went on and across the highway. There is a bone pile near the grove where I think someone dumps goat carcasses so it should have been very inviting for the dog to hang out and wait for me to come back.
I took pity on Ole as we were heading back and gave him a little of my water. He did get a little bit in him dribbling from my bite valve. I guess I’ll have to make sure I at least have a baggie and a bit more extra water if I let him tag along again when I am taking a longish ride before the irrigation water is running.
Then I told him to hang out under the trees and cool off and take the short way home and Shade and I were going to take the longer way (adds 1 mile). I don’t know just how he went but he was heading down rd 6 after I made Shade dink around looking for him for a few minutes back towards the irrigation ditch and tree grove.
My internet worked for a bit around lunch and is down again. Sigh, if this is going to repeat much at all I’ll have to change providers or at minimum upgrade my Hughes net modem to a newer model. I don’t want to think about it, I just want it to work dangit.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
So much for only 20% chance of rain
At least I did get 3.5 miles on Shade and we didn't get too wet, and it is still sprinkling an hour after I untacked and turned Shade out in the paddock. I hate when I abort a ride and then the sprinkles quit 5 minutes later. I better plan on getting some kind of real ride in tomorrow. I should call Q and see if she would like to ride somewhere, or else go to Waterton canyon, if I stay at home I doubt I'll get much of a ride and might have to cut down to 25 at Kenlyn. That would not be the end of the world but it would kind of suck with not having another ride for at least 5 weeks.
50% chance of rain in the springs, 20% here ..
Plus my stomach was doing flip flops as I finished my tea, before I checked the weather. Feels better after coffee and seeing 50% chance of rain at the poker ride site and just cool and 20% rain chance here, which gives me a good excuse to bail on trailering to the poker ride. But now I am feeling like a shirker. But I am going to bail, its over late now even if I fed, threw crap in the pickup and got on the road right now. I can stack AJ's hay and get a decent ride on Shade here at home to salve my ego and if I have a wee stomach bug and not just nerves, I wont be stuck on the interstate. I think it was nerves though. I am a freak but not to the point that coffee settles my tummy if its physically not right.
Plus maybe I'll find my camera's image card and take some pictures. AJ is almost finished shedding off and is looking great. I swear that horse changes from looking too thin to too chubby with just a small swing in weight. He has a high backbone so just a bit thinner and that looks dramatic but then he puts on a bit of weight and his flanks look dimply.
Plus maybe I'll find my camera's image card and take some pictures. AJ is almost finished shedding off and is looking great. I swear that horse changes from looking too thin to too chubby with just a small swing in weight. He has a high backbone so just a bit thinner and that looks dramatic but then he puts on a bit of weight and his flanks look dimply.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Friday night and I haven't rode since sunday
No wonder I feel sickly, LOL. Except I feel feverish today, not just restless and having a tight back from too long without horsie motion. Crud I can't be getting sick, I want to go ride tomorrow with my buddy Brigitt, and its a 2.5 hour drive. I must be insane driving that far to ride for a few hours. Well its to ride in scenery I haven't seen in 6 months and visit with my friend whom I also haven't seen in 6 months. She was only at MRER on friday night and maybe a bit sat. morning and I was not there till saturday about noon.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Stuck on the hump
I suppose I should feel badly. I whined to one board about someone on another board. I did not name names and I really don't feel like I violated norms. I was not abashed when she turned up on board B and responded since I had not said anything untrue or mean. I was just whining about not getting a nod for giving her a prod that her horse was starting to founder. Big whoop, I gave her full credit for getting vet and farrier advise and heeding it after my prod.
I'm not proud of whining, sort of behind someone's back, but it cannot be stretched into back-stabbing, which happens to occur often on board A but I must admit I don't recall this person doing any of that back-stabbing. She is annoying for buying into the DNC class envy scam, but that is half their base, the rest of the DNC base is the guilty wealthy and snooty wealthy that are just sure that someone without their 'superior intelligence' and 'proper education' cannot get by w/o help from the gub'mint. I REALLY HATE that last group. They are bankrupting my country's future generations to stroke their egos.
And I used my injured horse as an excuse not to go to lunch with the co-workers after the all staff meeting. I could have spared the time, waiting for the vet and the bit of wrapping and medicating hasn't taken all that much time out of my week. But I hate those big luncheons, they usually go to a buffet, and I am worrying I'll trip or bump a chair and dump my plate on someone's lap at worst or at minimum dump a spoonful of food on my shirt. That is not my idea of good time. I stuff those paranoia's aside for something like MRER when I'm going to have a great time otherwise and the meal is not the focus. But spend an extra $10+ feeding myself, and having those worries to hang out with a bunch of Dummocrat co-workers? Not my idea of fun; but that is not how I want to RSVP to the admin's when they are trying to get a head count. So I said I was too far behind from having an injured horse. Thanks Cindy, you are a peach (wink).
I'm not proud of whining, sort of behind someone's back, but it cannot be stretched into back-stabbing, which happens to occur often on board A but I must admit I don't recall this person doing any of that back-stabbing. She is annoying for buying into the DNC class envy scam, but that is half their base, the rest of the DNC base is the guilty wealthy and snooty wealthy that are just sure that someone without their 'superior intelligence' and 'proper education' cannot get by w/o help from the gub'mint. I REALLY HATE that last group. They are bankrupting my country's future generations to stroke their egos.
And I used my injured horse as an excuse not to go to lunch with the co-workers after the all staff meeting. I could have spared the time, waiting for the vet and the bit of wrapping and medicating hasn't taken all that much time out of my week. But I hate those big luncheons, they usually go to a buffet, and I am worrying I'll trip or bump a chair and dump my plate on someone's lap at worst or at minimum dump a spoonful of food on my shirt. That is not my idea of good time. I stuff those paranoia's aside for something like MRER when I'm going to have a great time otherwise and the meal is not the focus. But spend an extra $10+ feeding myself, and having those worries to hang out with a bunch of Dummocrat co-workers? Not my idea of fun; but that is not how I want to RSVP to the admin's when they are trying to get a head count. So I said I was too far behind from having an injured horse. Thanks Cindy, you are a peach (wink).
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Whew, Cindy should heal OK
It IS a ligament (actually 2, suspensory and distal sesamoid) but Dr Mike thinks she will heal okay with a month of wraps and confinement. I mentioned my concern of other leg going. He does not think its a likely danger although of course it can happen. Cindy was a horrible patient. She was kicking her bad leg. I had to pop the easy boot off, she barely let Dr Mike cut the wrap off, and then she wouldn't let him pick up her leg to use the hoof testers to see if was abscess and he was thinking he might find that to be the case. He had to give her a 1/2 dose of sedative to settle her jets so he could test the hoof and then palpate the ligaments. Thats my fire breathing dragon LOL.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Why are mondays so long?
I am struggling to not burn a bridge right now. It is so annoying that someone with a generous spirit, almost to a fault, and quite good horsewoman, bred my youngster as well as some other nice horses to help preserve good athletic arabian lines, is a marxist politically. I wish I could send her to live as a cuban for a year whenever she pops off a che quote. I will NOT capitalize that murderous thugs name. How can someone be responsible in real life and be such a cheerleader for the notion that no one has to be responsible? the state must seize the products of the productive to take care of the lazy as well as the infirm? I used to think the state has a duty to help the infirm but the older I get the more I think that overly quick/generous state help just invites people to adapt helplessness as a lifestyle, especially when the state penalizes the productive so that the lazy can buy the latest sneakers and big screen tvs.
Partly I'm just tired from riding on Sunday. It was FUN, Shade was really good for me. She is so strong, a few times I really got off balance to one side and she never bobbled as I got myself straight again. Saddle did its job and stayed centered as I totally weighted one stirrup before recovering too. But I was tired when I got home and I am worrying about Cindy even though I'm keeping it mostly in the back of my mind till I know. After I wrapped her leg this morning she was kicking it, I guess she'll get it to her desired level of looseness, funny old mare.
Partly I'm just tired from riding on Sunday. It was FUN, Shade was really good for me. She is so strong, a few times I really got off balance to one side and she never bobbled as I got myself straight again. Saddle did its job and stayed centered as I totally weighted one stirrup before recovering too. But I was tired when I got home and I am worrying about Cindy even though I'm keeping it mostly in the back of my mind till I know. After I wrapped her leg this morning she was kicking it, I guess she'll get it to her desired level of looseness, funny old mare.
Aw Cindy

Here she is about 6 weeks ago. Such a sweet eye. Cindy is 28 years old and saturday I noticed she was running on 3 legs to tear out to the pasture for grass. I put an easyboot on with very dilute iodine soaked cotton in case it was an abscess. Later in the afternoon I decided it must be a ligament issue and put a support wrap on her and called Dr Mike. He'll be out tomorrow. Cindy is coping well but if she steps wrong and zings herself she jumps and then stamps the ground with her toe. If its a tear and maybe even if its 'only' a severe strain I will probably put her down, pause to wipe away tears. Yes ligaments heal and can heal even on such an old horse but she has had sidebone issues forever and I feel that I cannot risk her injuring a 2nd leg and being in utter misery until she is put down. I rather send her across the bridge still happy than have that happen.
But trying not to cry before I know. I feared the worst when Grey cut his hock last fall and banged hell out of the bone as well as cutting himself but he healed up fine. I will change Cindy's wrap today. I think it has worked loose and I need to go around her heel and support things that way. She'll get some cool green salve too which should feel good.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Shade is weird
I let the horses out around noon, everyone else went tearing off for green sprouts. Shade was cleaning up hay stalks in CJ, Cindy and Sadies pen. So I gave her a flake of hay, she did run off to graze after munching hay for 30 minutes so she is not a complete weirdo.
I have riding company if I make it to the riding area tomorrow. I went to hook up my little trailer and my p/u batteries were dead. Ooops. Good thing I didn't wait until tomorrow. All the lights and stuff came on as soon as the battery charger was put on it so I think it had some low charge protection and did not get completely drained. Hopefully it will start up and be happy after charging for a bit. If not I guess I'll borrow mom and dads pickup.
I have riding company if I make it to the riding area tomorrow. I went to hook up my little trailer and my p/u batteries were dead. Ooops. Good thing I didn't wait until tomorrow. All the lights and stuff came on as soon as the battery charger was put on it so I think it had some low charge protection and did not get completely drained. Hopefully it will start up and be happy after charging for a bit. If not I guess I'll borrow mom and dads pickup.
Friday, April 9, 2010
at least the work week is over
I actually wrote a program for work that I think will be useful for decreasing processing outages, so sort of ending on a good note workwise. But I feel almost unbearably restless in general. A new worry from our wonderful government almost every day it seems and I just don't know what I should do to try to thwart the madness. I was slow trying to contact anyone about riding so I'll probably just be stuck riding from home again. Well I'm not STUCK if I don't have a 'date' to meet someone else, the horse is ok to ride solo in a new place but its just hard to motivate to hook up the trailer. And my sinuses have been so stuffy all week. They said today on the local news that the pollen counts are super high. At least that is a good sign that I am not getting more allergic as I age.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Well I was dismissed from jury duty
I really did not want to serve -who does want to take up 2-3 days and it was a non felony sex assault case involving a 15 year old girl with the defense saying it was a false accusation. My gut reaction was EWWW, but I felt like I could not claim I cant be objective on the questionaire. But the DA used me has his last discretionary dismissal. I thought I might be a candidate for defense dismissal, scratching my head a bit that it was the DAs, but still WooHoo, I'm not tied up with a civic duty the next two days.
I miss Peekaboo. I'll probably get another cat. Mom said something about giving up since we've had a run of bad luck of cats getting lives cut short. BUT I didn't want another dog when Ludwig died and the parents got 2 that have been plenty of stress to me, I'll get myself a cat when I'm ready. Maybe I'll try to get an older indoor only cat. Kittens always want to roam and its too hard to keep them in as often as we are in and out with the dogs.
I miss Peekaboo. I'll probably get another cat. Mom said something about giving up since we've had a run of bad luck of cats getting lives cut short. BUT I didn't want another dog when Ludwig died and the parents got 2 that have been plenty of stress to me, I'll get myself a cat when I'm ready. Maybe I'll try to get an older indoor only cat. Kittens always want to roam and its too hard to keep them in as often as we are in and out with the dogs.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Peekaboo where are you?

Peekaboo has been refusing to come in at night lately with the mild weather and we haven't seen her since yesterday. (it is now 8:45pm) Fear she was hunting mice across the road and became the prey for a coyote or something. Dang the down side of critters that are not in your face so much is they sometimes roam too far amusing themselves and disappear. Tonight every time Mia goes to barking I look to see if she is messing with the cat but usually if Peekaboo stays out overnight she comes in for breakfast and a long nap in the house when I hay the horses in the morning. For her to not turn up all day when we were outside fencing is not normal.
We put field fence along the back of both paddocks so Mia won't be slipping through and then through the barb wire pasture fence anymore. My arms are sore. I didn't pound all that many staples and tamped one post -- we also reset the fence post that had come out. We did not set an extra post and brace it properly though. Hopefully it holds another several years and I am moved out before it needs redoing. Next fencing project I need to tackle is the pasture fence. The top strand on the road side needs to be tightened and restapled on a few posts. Then I should get some kind of charger and have a hot strand around the top of the whole pasture.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Wheee, windy ride on the bay mare
I had to psych myself up to get going. Shade was KEYED up at the start, didn't help that I was not taking Mia, and was a bit nervous that she might sneak through the fence. I went the other direction and that worked but if she had slipped out and then come that way she would have been right at the neighbors' yard that she thinks she can snoop around in. So I was looking back to see if the dog was sneaking through the fence quite a bit at the start and worrying a bit and with that + the wind, Shade did a couple of 180's a reining horse would have approved of. But once we turned off the main road she was pretty good. OMG she felt SO strong trotting and cantering once we were a couple miles into the ride. She felt a little funky the last bit home, I hope its just paranoia on my part, I got to wondering if she was getting a cramp, but she was tracking evenly as far as I could tell when I got off and led her the last bit, and I don't think there was a cramp. Her muscles are so hard when she tenses but there was no lump when she relaxed on either leg. I'd have made a great Jewish mom/grandmom I EXCEL at worrying, LOL.
Not touching with a 10 foot pole
But I got a huge giggle this morning when I noticed a thread titled "Hah, Ok I'm smug" Me in my head "You don't have to tell us (me anyway), its obvious every day." Not even reading the thread, I can resist anything but temptation as they say so no sense starting a flame war there, wouldn't be much of a war probably, more like an angry mob converging against anyone criticizing the queen. Heh, kind of like the slobbering MSM with BHO.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday
Hasn't been too bad. my work never takes it as a holiday, and I am not very religious and don't take it as PTO either. My desktop has been eating applications recently but I was able to install a new thunderbird last week when it went poof and today I found the MSword program in 'trash' . I need to have the sys admin look at it next week but it doesn't feel urgent like it did before I was able to retrieve the word program. I had to check for Jury duty after 1 pm today and I am on the hook to show up Tuesday at 8 am in Greeley. UGH, I'll have to leave home around 6:30 to make sure I get there in good time, knowing me its quite possible I'll mess up driving there although it should be straight forward. I just have to take business 85 and not the bypass, hopefully the signs and traffic don't confuse me. I may borrow dads GPS jic I do miss that turn.
Horses are good, dogs are still dogs. I didn't put a lead rope on Ole when I hayed this morning so he took it as permission to slip off and find his buddies. I am past even taking it personal. He is just going to wear the lead every time and if he starts slipping off anyway I will install a tie chain in a handy spot. I need to donate to Sarah's PAC. I had thought of just sending small amounts to each opposition candidate the PAC is supporting but I couldn't even find a web page for the one from ND so I'll have to not be a control freak on this. Plus I've gotten like 2-3 campaign MAILERS (not emails) from Scott Brown after donating. I should email the campaign and tell them DUDE -- quit wasting resources on the chick from Colorado, I am not donating for your 30 months out race, especially when I don't even know if you'll be a conservative vote yet.
I'll have to ride from home this weekend. I didn't even try to set up any riding partners cuz I am 'on call' so should be checking on the work CPU's around midday both sat and sun. I need to get cracking for next week though, just to have a dog free ride even if its not much more conditioning than what I'm doing at home.
Horses are good, dogs are still dogs. I didn't put a lead rope on Ole when I hayed this morning so he took it as permission to slip off and find his buddies. I am past even taking it personal. He is just going to wear the lead every time and if he starts slipping off anyway I will install a tie chain in a handy spot. I need to donate to Sarah's PAC. I had thought of just sending small amounts to each opposition candidate the PAC is supporting but I couldn't even find a web page for the one from ND so I'll have to not be a control freak on this. Plus I've gotten like 2-3 campaign MAILERS (not emails) from Scott Brown after donating. I should email the campaign and tell them DUDE -- quit wasting resources on the chick from Colorado, I am not donating for your 30 months out race, especially when I don't even know if you'll be a conservative vote yet.
I'll have to ride from home this weekend. I didn't even try to set up any riding partners cuz I am 'on call' so should be checking on the work CPU's around midday both sat and sun. I need to get cracking for next week though, just to have a dog free ride even if its not much more conditioning than what I'm doing at home.
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