Saturday, December 28, 2024

I must get some recycled concrete delivered now

 The dumpster service I signed up for was not able to get to the dumpster this morning.  Argghhh, why does everything have to end up being complicated.   I will have to get the tractor tomorrow and see if I can move the dumpster to the other side of the driveway which I think is less soft, that is where the old dumpster was; but I expect I need to get some fill put in even on that side.   

Neighbors had invited me to come over at 2 for Christmas dinner a week ago than canceled on me Xmas eve day because daughter had a fever.  I cooked a tenderloin filet from the Omaha Steaks box my brother sent me and some frozen tater dish from O.S plus made a rough apple crisp.  The filet was pretty tasty even though I ended up cooking it a bit more than I had planned.   Hopefully I do better with the next ones.    I need to decide what to give L and D for their anniversary.   They took me and B out to dinner for my birthday so I need to get them something, maybe a gift card to that steakhouse.  I suppose I shouldn't just give them cash, but I might.  

I got a cold laser to see if I can get Tanza's stifle and sesamoid bones to heal.  Used it on Lady first and she seemed to enjoy it.   She has been pretty uncomfortable lately so I need to get the power lines marked or just dig where I'm pretty sure it's safe and get her PTS soon unless the laser makes a huge difference quickly.  I should have texted folks to try to make a riding date but I couldn't bring myself to do it.   I decided I do need to change/fix the fence in Taj's pen pretty soon and I will tackle that instead; but I am going to have to force myself to ask folks if they'll ride with me, Taj is too goofy at home, plus I should run B's p/u regularly.   

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Gift basket delivery to the rescue

I had to force myself to make the call to get sis something.  I forced myself to send bro and wife and his stepson and DiL  as well and did not send as much this year as in years past other than last year when I just didn't get anything sent to anybody.   Bro will get a big sum of cash when the farmland sale goes through and his son and DiL are acting like spoiled heirs, but bro or his wife did send me an Omaha steak box.   I think son and DiL are on a course to hit a brick wall around age 50-60 even if they end up with most of the $ from the farmland since there is not a family fortune.   But whatever,  that is not my circus.  I don't know why I felt so meh on getting something for sis,  she has spent quite a bit of time here the last couple years so I good have a break from dad care, then seeing him, and helping me sort out some of the estate crap. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Argghhhhh stupid president Tony

 Couple weeks ago we get a complete surprise email that they are rescinding remote work unless you were hired as a remote.  Everyone that chose to remain remote after they shut down for 2 years for covid panic must start coming to office 3 days/week starting in April 2025 and if you are more then 50 miles from the office you have till Aug 2026.   So I do some thinking and "gee I don't want to go through pain of moving and job goes away in 1.5 years, I will just try to make things work better for myself here" 

They got a bunch of pushback, now it is July 1st to start coming to office 3x/week AND if you live more than 50 miles away it is Aug 2027.    It probably is still not worth moving, but 2027 would put me with 2.4 years gap of insurance before I can get medicare and with COBRA it might not be horrible to do that.   I suppose they might well say "you had to be living more than 50 miles away before we announced this to qualify."    It just sucks that I made a decision based on their initial timeline.  That decision is not carved in stone, but time's a wasting if I would want to pursue moving.  

Sunday, December 15, 2024

I am just not feeling it today

 I was bored inside and the wind had decreased so I went outside and grabbed a few tumbleweeds that had blown up against my driveway gate and crammed them into the burn barrel, it was still breezy enough that I opted not to burn them.   Then decided I need to force myself to set up the tree so I dragged everything in from the shed.   Took the head off the apple picker that the handle broke on last week.   I had the notion that I might replace the handle but we don't have any handle that length laying around and the metal tines have never worked great.   So I will burn the broken handle and the head goes into the metal scrap pile, which I should at least move from in front of the house.  I should just run to the recycle place, they'd probably let me drop my bit of scrap iron/steel off even though it is not enough to weigh.  

I should address several more cards and write short notes and the boss wants me to special process a dataset.  He wanted it last week but I told him I could not get to it.  

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Finally some action on insurance

 I went to Strong Insurance company.   The agent there said it was very hard for him to get any company to write a farm policy and what I had was pretty good.   So I paid up on the farm policy in dad's name and then that agents office called me.  So I think I will get a policy with my name on it soon.

I tried emailing the BCD dumpster outfit.  No response so I guess I have to suck it up and leave a voice mail.   If still no response from them I will have to text to neighbors asking who they use.   Sigh,  I hate it when it is hard to become a customer with some outfit.   I always feel like "sheesh, I am wanting to give you money for a service, why don't you want it?"   I suppose that mostly happens when I'm dealing with some employee not the owner and the employee does not want more work for their probably fixed pay.

I need need need to call my vet's office and request he call or come out for consult on Tanza.

I wrote up a short xmas letter.  Now I need to dig out some cards and write out addresses and short notes. 

I rode Taj today.  I wanted to ride Sadie but Toby was out, not pestering her hard cuz I had his collar on, and she was all "can't catch me" and Taj was running the fence as she was doing that so I just rode him.  I shouldn't let Sadie off the hook, but Taj needs exercised.  He is in great weight but I should make it more of a point to get him out more often, regular work is best for keeping older horses sound.  

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Phone calls update

 I did call the Strong Insurance agency.   They don't do appointments,  just drop in so I should drive to town Monday and talk with them.   

Still need to make appts with Dentist and HMO

Need to call my vet to discuss what to do with Tanza in light of the sesamoid x-ray.  Does he want me to get a stifle ultrasound to rule out two problems?   Does he think the sesamoid is treatable?  

I dialed the BCR company but got no answer so I need to email and or call them again.  I really want to get a dumpster out here and get to it with tossing stuff, selling the old horse trailer etc

Need to text Paul about my p/u.   Is his friend that is the 6.3 liter guru just busy or having health issues?  If busy I could get pickup hauled to friends place so it is there and he doesn't have to find time to drive clear out here,  if health issues maybe I need to find a repair place to work on it.

I did ride Taj yesterday.  He got himself all sweaty and my arms were tired after just the 3 miles even though I was trying to avoid constantly pulling on him.   But he was not horrible,  a couple of nickers and wanting to rush a bit but not a big meltdown.  

B was out and we cleaned pens and I made hamburgers and a box Mac and cheese.   Did get the stuff cooked but it was mess cuz I only pulled the burgers out at 10 this morning, and I thought they'd thaw in the cooler bag.  I should have put them in water right away since I didn't put them in the fridge last night or sooner.   But I got some separated and cooked up.   B had to leave early to help another of her friends pack, he is moving across country.  I scraped a bit more muck off in a few spots after she left and managed to get several bucket loads of sand hauled to fill in the low spots so they won't get soggy so fast without getting the tractor stuck.   I put Tanza in with Lady so he wouldn't overdo and also did not let the other horses out to big pasture.   It worked, Tanza did come loping a few strides when I brought Lady's grain,  hopefully not enough to aggravate anything.   I didn't get Surpass on him last night, so him being better tonight has me wondering if the Surpass is actually making him more sore.   If it makes him feel sore but fights the inflammation I should make a point to put it on every day.  

Thursday, December 5, 2024

shock news from work. I will have to go to office 3 days/week

At least it is not a layoff announcement.    I will have to do a proper pro/con write up.

Initially I thought I was not affected since I'm remote, not hybrid at present but in the 'fine print' since I was not remote before covid I will be forced to go to hybrid and be in office 3 days/week.  

pro:   I have been in a barn sour rut and don't even like to run into the close town for errands.   This would get me out of the house and then it will be "I might as well swing by bank to get cash, swing by Safeway etc.

pro:  I've gotten into a mode of not wanting to make a meal to eat.  So I'd have cafeteria 3days/week and/or might as well buy frozen entrees to heat and eat at desk and this might get me back to healthier eating. 

pro or con?    I would need to get a housemate, maybe a couple to cover evening feeding on office days.  I really like having Jarod's help, this is way too much house and place for just one person anyway, but I will have to find someone longer term pretty quickly when his employer is finished with the work in this area. 

 Employees more than 50 miles from office have until Aug 2026 to start coming to office  but do not get an exception to stay remote past then so moving out of state and working remotely will not be an option unless I could quit but my group could go through an agency to hire me as a contractor.  So if contractor is no go I'd have to retire before I'm 62 or find a new job at age 61.  How would I handle medical insurance?  I've been on the fence wrt to moving.   I hate paying taxes to this state that has gone so commiecrat,  but moving is a huge change, could I make the needed connections to be able to manage things like vehicle repairs, getting a place ready for horses, house repairs as needed etc in a brand new place?  Could I find a housemate if I move somewhere more remote, or even find someone to cover chores so I could leave for a few days to go ride or whatever.